Erotic Short Stories – Sexy stories can rev up the imagination and sex drives of many. Erotic fiction has been around a lot longer than porn and ones have been using it for masturbation enhancement for thousands of years. The written word has been around for a long time, not so for photographs or moving pictures required for porn. The written words can paint quite an arousing and graphic picture to feed your erotic imagination.
Written Erotica – Sexy stories sites are very much dependent on users to submit their original works. A community of people that enjoy reading and writing is crucial to a site that has a stories section. Not everyone is suited to write, and by the same token some that write themselves do not always read the works of others. Some prefer just to write and know their creations are being enjoyed by others. Many use the sexy stories to get even hornier before they indulge in either masturbation alone, or before looking to find ones to have phone sex, cam sex or cyber sex with.
Once Upon A Time – Many that enjoy sexy stories are also into cyber sex. The written word is a powerful thing. Some books have been banned because of that power. Stories and the written word live on much longer than the ones that wrote them. It’s an amazing thing when you think of it. That ones can read the words and feel the feeling an author recorded hundreds of years ago. Now ones submitting stories here at Climax Connection are not using old stories, but it’s always nice to share with others your thoughts, fantasies and ideas for others to ponder.
Can I Watch? – It goes without saying most men are visually oriented. Many love web cam sex. They love to not only show off but watch as well. Sadly, it’s much easier to find girls willing to cam online only for pay, and cam girls are not welcome at Climax Connection. We do however welcome normal girls here that love to show off. Our free video and audio chat we offer here will be of great interest to many that don’t wish to share their Skype or Yahoo ID’s.
Can I Trust You? – You can cam safely without any worries of blackmail or sharing personal details if you are not so inclined or comfortable to do so. You can open your cam to the entire chat room so anyone can watch you, or just privately in the one on one chat and show only certain individuals you choose to share your private moments with. There’s nothing quite like your own private porn show that webcam sex can provide. Most guys have such a streak of the exhibitionist in them, ones like to show off as much as watch I think in many cases.
Let Me Masturbate For You – Make no mistake though, guys want to see the pussy, they want to see fingers and toys going into those juicy pussies at the same time they stroke their cocks and cum at the same time. Free video chat is something we are pleased to offer users here at Climax Connection, just one of many new features, and with more coming, that we want to entice users with so they know this is the premiere adult community website that offers more to its members.
You Like What?! – What do you do if you find a new partner and learn they have some weird fetish? Many times it’s better if a fetish is kept under your hat unless you’re pretty sure they share it too. It can make it pretty weird and there’s no going back. I seriously do not think I could deal if I walked in on a boyfriend and he was wearing ladies lingerie, heels and makeup kind of thing. I know it’s harmless, but I’d never look at them the same way again and it would be the end, not a doubt.
Secret Desires – Many people hide their fetishes from their partners since it’s just easier to do so than to rock the boat. Men hiding makeup kits in their car, using vegetables as dildos, all because they are afraid of getting caught by their wives or girlfriends. Panties and lingerie are very popular among fetish for men and lots have items like this hidden away. If your girlfriend saw a pair of size 13 red stilettos, what do you think she would say? To me it would be worse than if you had shoes hidden away that belonged to your girlfriend on the sly than to think *horrors* they were yours!
Hidden Kink – Different things turn on different people and some of the fetishes and perversions out there are astounding, and many simply cannot deal with a partner being into stuff that makes them feel uncomfortable or that they themselves do not understand. Some are so engulfed in their fetish it would be difficult to stop them entirely, so they just drive them underground and hide them. Sometimes secrets are not a bad thing, and you wish you could forget some things you found out about as it can irreparably damage things between the two of you.
Self Pleasuring – People masturbate in many different ways. So many different ways to enjoy ourselves. Needless to say I chat with many different people and masturbation is always a popular topic. Most use our hands for sure. Seems the more natural way to go about things, so simple, so natural and easy. Water induced orgasms are also very nice. They can be rather fast and furious though, and I always felt guilty about the waste of water, but they are nice.
Variety For Your Masturbation Routine – Then you’ve got the fans of toys. So many women are in love with their vibrators, and men love their toys as well. Fleshlights are very popular, as are pocket pussies and similar types of accessories. And need we forget the infamous scene in “American Pie,” where the apple pie was violated on the kitchen counter. There are fruit fuckers out there and not just of the baked goods variety. Holes cut in melons, oh the things that people do to get off. Some find humping pillows very enjoyable, and I won’t even go into ones that involve family pets, or someone else’s pets.
Hands Free Masturbating – Recently I’ve been hearing more about people that can think themselves to an orgasm without touching themselves. Yes, I’d heard of it before, but I seem to be hearing more and more people are able to do this. Why do I not possess such a talent? I’d make use of it during boring times, believe me. I also know a few men that pump their cock between their thighs rather than use their hands to masturbate. No hands, just pure thigh action. Some girls can squeeze their thighs to cum as well. However you masturbate, as long as you cum hard and often enjoy it. It’s one of the greatest gifts and pleasures we have. Free, no worries of pregnancy or disease. Good cardio vascular exercise, too many benefits to count.
Sex For Your Health – We all love sex, even if it’s by ourselves, because it feels good. It feels good physically and emotionally. For ones that have tried phone sex, you know exactly what I am talking about. Masturbating alone is a physical release yes, one of my phone guys calls it a “utility orgasm”. Gets the job done, you have the release and can then get on with your day. No emotional satisfaction at all though. Try masturbating with another person and you go from black and white to technicolor that fast. You soon realize alone just doesn’t cut it anymore.
Clean Out The Pipes – Sex has very real health benefits. Yes, everyone goes on about safer sex and condoms and birth control, but over and above those concerns, sex does have genuine health benefits. Men especially can benefit from prostate health if they have the recommended 21 + orgasms a month. Keeps the pipes clean so to speak and has real benefits of future reduced risk of prostate cancer. So if teenage guys get caught by mom masturbating, they should simply state without embarrassment, “It’s for my health!” Getting your blood pumping from sexual activity is a form of cardio vascular exercise. I can’t think of any way I’d rather get out of breath! Sex relieves stress.
“The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension and love causes it.”
― Woody Allen
Get That Heart Rate Up – It burns calories, reduces blood pressure, strengthens pelvic floor muscles, releases feel good chemicals like oxytocin, boosts self esteem, and even increases pain tolerance. And we all sleep better without a doubt after a nice orgasm (or more!) There’s a lot to be said for orgasms and having sex, even just masturbation. With all these proven benefits, it’s a wonder so many societies are so sex negative or sweep sex under the rug. I can’t even count how many people I have talked to that got zero education about sex at home when they were growing up from their parents. You’d think people would want to help their kids become future good lovers and grow up without hang ups, and teach them there is no need for embarrassment. That it’s as natural to be horny as it is to be thirsty or tired. Sadly that’s not reality. So let’s embrace the health benefits and pleasures that sexual activity has to offer.