
Tag: ass

You Dirty, Hairy Animal

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Manscaping – The results that are showing on the homepage poll for pubic hair grooming habits gave me the idea for this topic. Many people are not just worried about the pubic hair situation, but for the guys, and I guess some hairy gals, the butt situation. There are some beyond horrifying pics online if you dare to Google “hairy ass”. There will always be people that like to leave things alone, let themselves grow natural. All I will say is wiping peanut butter out of a shag carpet and leave it at that.


Wax On Wax Off – Can you stand the pain of waxing? I can honestly say I do not have the courage to have hot wax smoothed over my naughty bits and have it ripped out by the roots. I choose shaving over the waxing for my pubic area. I do think everyone looks best hair free from the eyes down. I’d love to go for lasering, but I worry about the pain of that too, and that requires several treatments, and is only good for hair that is still colored, if you have started to go white or grey, the lasering will not work, as it works on the pigment, and once you start to lose that, it will not remove the hair. Now I can’t see if any hairs down there, the shaved bits in the stubble that is, if they are grey or white, but considering I got my first white hair on my head at 13, I’m betting yes, I color my hair on my head. So lasering is likely not going to be the best solution.


Chewbacca Ass – I really feel for guys that look like swamp thing or a gorilla, it must be a nightmare living like that, the lifetime of hair, either looking like a beast, or the constant, time consuming, expensive and often painful routine of hair removal. One guy I chatted with endured regular butt and ass waxings since he was into getting rimmed. Now I don’t care if there wasn’t one whisker down there, I’d never do that, but he seemed to be able to find gals willing to lick his ass, so a Brazilian was what he did to keep it bare for the brave souls that ventured down there. So if a tongue up your ass is your goal, or just to look not like a wild beast, perhaps hair removal is something you should pay some mind to.

By the way, please watch the video below, it is absolutely hilarious!

Did You Do That?!

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Up Yours – If there’s one thing I sadly hear about it’s guys putting things up their ass that they shouldn’t be. There are obviously toys designed for such a purpose, but many are afraid to use them or own them for fear of anyone finding them. So they use candles, cucumbers, apples, carrots. The shame many guys feel at desiring anal stimulation is very common because of the prostate so many men find pleasurable to have stimulated.


Anal Explorations – Men as a rule seem more curious about ass play than women, I just don’t hear about them doing the same sorts of things men do. People end up in the hospital every day seeking medical attention for sex play gone awry. I recall a story I read online about a preacher that had to seek medical attention because he had a potato stuck up his backside. When he went to the ER to get help the doctor asked what he had a potato lodged up there, to which he replied he’d been hanging curtains in the nude and fell backwards onto the kitchen table where some potatoes were sitting that hadn’t yet been put away.


Backdoor Stimulation – Now if anyone would believe that outlandish tale, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you…The fact is many guys fear liking something up their ass which usually stimulates the prostate which is supposed to give similar sensations to the lady’s G spot, many think it makes them gay and they are uncomfortable with this notion, so they keep it quiet from their partners and don’t share these things. It’s usually easier to keep quiet than deal with unwanted embarrassment.