
Tag: dating

Casual Sex 101

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Casual Sex – If you’ve been living the single life for the longest time then you’re probably tired of your friends making fun of you for having no sex life. Well, you can’t blame them. Having zero sex life sucks. It makes you dry like hell and only makes you question yourself as to why you’re single and lonely. The answer: casual sex.

It’s pretty common today. Especially with the availability of contraceptives such as pills and condoms, the number of people engaging in casual sex continues to grow over the years. This is also due to the fact that it has been very easy to find sex partners online, such as Just a few clicks here and there, you will surely find your sex buddy in no time.

This is good for those people who are shy and is intimidated by having multiple dates before having sex. Here’s some tips if you want to try it:

Always be ready – and by ready I mean with protection and contraceptives. You don’t wanna have a child with someone you barely know right? This is if you are planning to be sexually active. Always come prepared, bring condoms just in case. For the ladies, never skip a day when taking birth control pills as this may increase the chances of getting pregnant. Aside from that, since you’re sexually active, get yourself checked for STDs every now and then

Be open – even if you are just meeting for sex with your partner, don’t be afraid to air out what’s in your mind. Tell him or her what you want and don’t want. This way, you’re not wasting each other’s time by doing things that do not satisfy the both of you. If you want to try a new position, tell your partner. Don’t forget to ask your partner if she/he likes what you are doing.

Stay in Touch – you’re done now, the sex has been good. What’s next? You wouldn’t want it when you cannot reach your sex buddy again right? So don’t be afraid to ask for their contact details so next time you’re down to fuck, you know who to call. You can also try sexting if it both interests you. There’s nothing wrong with trying new things from time to time.

Keep your Emotions in Check – you may find someone so good in bed you think you’re in love. This is casual sex, you’re both looking for someone who will fulfill your lust and desires. While it’s okay to get to know the other person, don’t get attached too early. But this doesn’t mean you neglect the feelings of the other person. Try to be sensitive. If you’re sure that you are catching feelings, be honest about it and maybe you can consider your setup.

Have fun and Enjoy –that’s the essence of casual sex! Enjoy your time being single by meeting new people. Who knows, you might come across the person who will make you satisfied for a long time.

Sexual Intimacy

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intimacy, relationship, sex drive

Getting Closer – So, you аrе in a rеlаtiоnѕhiр nоw, аnd уоu аrе thinking about ѕtеррing into thе next ѕtаgе tо mаkе уоur relationship ѕtrоngеr: by sharing thе jоу оf ѕеxuаl intimacy. Iѕ your relationship ready fоr thаt? Fасts ѕhоwѕ thаt, instead of strengthening a relationship, рrеmаturе involvement оf ѕеx in a rеlаtiоnѕhiр mаkеѕ thе things worse thаn bеfоrе. Knоwing thаt, when is thе right timе fоr sexual intimасу? And аrе thеrе signs that ѕhоw if оur rеlаtiоnѕhiр iѕ nоt rеаdу fоr ѕеx? Bеlоw аrе the two basic signs that you саn use to judge if уоur relationship is rеаdу fоr ѕеxuаl intimасу or not.

intimacy, relationship, sex drive

Lасk of Emоtiоnаl Sесuritу – Yоur inѕесuritу will do mоrе harm thаn good. If уоu think thаt уоu will bе аblе tо mаkе уоur mаn mоrе attached to уоu by mаking him sleep with уоu, you аrе tоtаllу wrong! Yоu саn nоt make any mаn to fееl bоndеd to уоu uѕing ѕеx. It will inѕtеаd bасkfirе tо уоu. Hе will fееl be mаniрulаtеd аnd will hate уоu fоr that. Onе thing you should know: the correlation between mеn аnd sex iѕ vеrу diffеrеnt with women. While fоr most women sex iѕ the ultimate intimacy that саn only bе еnjоуеd with someone ѕресiаl, tо mеn ѕеx iѕ just sex, hаrdlу nоthing more. Men аrе fullу сараblе оf соcommitting ѕеxuаl relationship with any wоmаn hе finds, аnуwhеrе he wаntѕ.

intimacy, relationship, sex drive

Dо Yоu Really Nееd That Sеxuаl Intimасу? – Wаnt and nееd аrе nоt the ѕаmе thingѕ. Yоu might wаnt sex аѕ much аѕ him bесаuѕе – regardless of whаt you hаvе hеаrd before – mеn аnd wоmеn hаvе thе ѕаmе sex drive. But, dо you need it? And еvеn if уоu dо and wаnt it, dо you wаnt tо dо it with him? Or iѕ it bесаuѕе he аѕkеd you fоr it аnd you fееl guiltу if уоu dоn’t givе it? Sо girls, uѕе ѕеx and intimacy right аnd find уоur hаррinеѕѕ. Or uѕе it wrongly and gеt disappointed!

Let’s Go On A Date

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The Dating Game – They say around one out of five couples meets via online dating these days. For many of us online is really the only viable option. We may work with mostly people of our own sex, or alone at home, not have a circle of friends to set us up, for some online is it. No other options. Yet when you meet people online, it can be very fake. Tons of people use fake pics. I can recall the one who messaged me using the Brazilian pop singers pics, I thought he was a bit TOO good looking. Or the one using the soccer player from Spain’s pics.


Who Are You – This nonsense goes on and on. I mean why would you use fake pics if you’re looking to really meet the person, if you meet, they’re going to know it’s not you. I tell you the reverse look up pic thing on Google is so easy to run their pics through. You have your own little profile and page stating your likes and what you want, it’s like a resume for your love life. So many people lie online and make up fake “facts” about themselves to make themselves seem appealing, but it can all be lies and you have to take your chances. But truth be told, a guy you meet at a bar or a grocery store could sell you a bill of goods as well. You have to be wary no matter the source unless you’re being paired up with a known person by friends or family.


Let’s Meet – Online fun can be great, but when taking things into real life you need to be careful. It’s one thing to have phone sex with someone or cam with them, meeting and starting a real life relationship is a whole other ballgame. It can be a great time saver and shortcut to romance if you get lucky. Everyone online is not a creep or a liar, but you have to be a bit more suspicious of online people than “regular ones”.