Watching Your Partner Satisfy Themselves
This is a guest blog submission by Climax Connection member, Random Writer.
Double Your Pleasure – Mutual masturbation is a great way for couples to experience something new. Most people think that masturbation is dull and boring compared to sex. Mutual masturbation can be both fun and exciting. But, there’s something that you can actually learn from it as well. You’ll get to see what your partner does to make themselves feel good. You’re not going to have to wonder what they like in the sack any more.
No Need To Second Guess – Mutual masturbation won’t automatically turn you into an expert when it comes to what your partner likes. But, it’ll give you some much helpful insight as to what they do like. The best way to do take advantage of mutual masturbation is by making sure both of you can see each other while doing it. You’ll get extremely turned on when you watch your partner get off. There’s nothing in this world more exciting than watching the person you love experiencing sexual pleasure.
Be Sexually Observant Of Your Partner – Don’t be shy, and always remember that this is all in good fun. You can even add toys or different lubricants into the mix. It can be easy for people in today’s world of too much pornography to not be stimulated by the things around them. This is one of those ways that you can increase your stimulation without having to resort to porn. Spicing up things in the bedroom is the best way to keep both of you interested. Mutual masturbation is an attempt to do just that. Variety is the spice of life and your loins know that is a fact.