
Category: cam sex

Watch Me, Baby!

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guy watching cam

Free Web Cam Sex – Many come to an adult chat site looking for a partner for various activities like phone sex, cyber sex or web cam sex. All of them can certainly spice up your masturbation and take them to the next level of excitement. Alone just doesn’t cut it anymore for many of us once we discover how much better it is sharing it with another person. Most men are very visual and the thought of watching someone else masturbate is very arousing to most.


Can I Watch – Men do also seem to for the most part have strong tendencies to show off and want to have girls watch them. As visual as they are they seem to like to show themselves off on web cam just as much. Web cam sex is like porn they are themselves a part of. Not all guys are looking for a paid service when it comes to watching, cam girls have their place, but it is still a one sided experience for the benefit of the paying participant, it’s not a mutual exchange in the truest sense, the woman is participating because they are getting paid, not because they are there to have fun as well. Some guys are happy with their own personal peep show just for them, but others want the other partner to be really do it for fun as well.


Find Online Masturbation Partners – Adult chat rooms are an excellent place to find like minded others looking for the same kinds of naughty fun as you are. Inboxing people on their profile pages as well, since some that come to adult community website are not really into chat rooms, yet they enjoy looking at others profile pages and sending them a private message instead. Forum invite threads are also a great place to find partners looking for the same kinds of fun you are, they are like the bulletin board of the website. So if free web cam sex is what you are looking for, by all means try the chat rooms, sending private messages to ones that have that listed as an interest, or look in the forum invite threads, hopefully it won’t take you long to find someone. And by all means, do report anyone that is advertising their services as a cam girl, giving links to their site, etc., that is not allowed here and they will be banned.

The Art of Sensual Chat

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about to kiss

This is a guest blog submission by a ClimaxConnection member. This submission was written by member, YourMister_Dark. 

Erotic Talk – Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran, you can always learn to be better at chatting.  From the old rough days of BBSes right up to the most modern cam-, Skype, or cyber chatting, the lessons of good communication have never been more important and one of the key notes to hit is empathy.  Not sympathy, but empathy: the ability to “feel’ as others feel, instinctively.


Hot Talking – Empathy allows you to “tune in” on people’s feelings, moods, and even unspoken attitudes.  We all know about communication disasters when two chatters lock horns (not in a good way) because their moods don’t mesh or compliment each other in the right way.  And while women seem to have a stronger sense of empathy, guys need to tune in as well.


Hot Chat – If you think — as many guys sadly do — that you can just jump right in, metaphorically or on cam wave your magic wang and get lucky, think again.  Good erotic communication is not like a porn clip or that rampant sex scene in your head.  First off, most women chatters of any persuasion want to know who they’re fucking, even if you start off as a “stranger”.  They’re opening themselves up on a very intimate level, after all, and whether they want a hard, fast quickie or a long, sensual, slow scene, they very rarely respond to crude and rude pickup lines.  “I have a big cock” or “I want to fuck you so hard” or even “Wanna fuck” might work after they’ve got to know you, but hardly ever if it’s the first thing you type to them.  Ladies like to be seduced.  Well, truth be told, so do some men, but guys seldom take the time for that to happen.  And, fellows, remember, if all you want is that quick satisfaction then the pleasure of it is going to fade away just as quick.  The “three minute wonder” is rapidly forgettable, even if it succeeds.


Seduce Me With Your Words – Sensual chat is something else altogether.  It’s friendly, fun, provocative, smart, and sexy without being too crude.  It’s never rude, not confrontational, never insulting.  It can be clever, should be fresh and even creative.  Use your mind, your imagination, be direct and honest, but seductive and fun.

Keep It In Your Pants

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Look At Me – Cam sex is popular with many people, they love watching another person get off in front of them via the webcam, it’s like “personalized porn” in a way! How many guys have asked me if I’d like to watch over the years since I’ve been chatting online, easily hundreds that have, yet it’s not my thing. They just cannot grasp it doesn’t excite someone if it does them . It’s like, “I LOOVVVVEEE it SOOOOO much!!! How can you NOT love it too????”


Can I Watch – Be my guest to shake your dick for others over webcam , go right ahead, but I will not be a party to it. Then some will ask, “Well, if you don’t like it, maybe I can just watch you!” Um, that’s a NO. I’ll leave it to the porn stars, that’s what they are there for, to arouse the masses with their animated displays. So many guys that have been well endowed by Mother Nature are very proud of their members and wish to show their largesse to the world and share themselves at the same time. I swear many of them are porn star wannabes and use the internet to try and “get the word out”. I well recall one guy I used to chat with that proclaimed he “did shows” for around a dozen women in a few different countries. He talked of them as if they were fans or groupies!


Mutual Masturbation Chat – You can’t fault a guy for being proud of his assets, I guess. Webcam sex is a big part of many guys masturbation these days, either showing off themselves, or trying to watch young ladies be naughty in front of them. Many are looking for the best of both, a mutual masturbation session to keep both parties entertained. It seems hard for many of them to find willing girls who will do it for fun, and that are not doing it for profit. Cam girls annoy the hell out of most guys it seems, they want a mutual masturbation experience, not some girl that’s only seeking to play for pay.

Secret Fun

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I’ve Got A Secret – If you have a partner, should you tell them about your forays into online fun? This is a common question and worry I read about in forums about people in relationships. I have seen profiles with text on them that said things like, “Got a gf now, so long everyone!”


Life’s A Banquet And Most Poor Bastards Are Starving – I guess if many find real life fun, the draw of online fun lessens. Real trumps imagined. Many in real relationships though are not getting much sex, either due to lack of interest on their partners part, health issues of their partner, boredom, all kinds of reasons. Online fun is a much needed outlet for many individuals not getting any, or not getting enough at home. Should a partner worry or feel threatened, 99% of the time, not at all. Variety is the spice of life and if people are content to remain in sexless relationships, they at least need some outlet to express their sexuality in. Whether that’s cyber sex, phone sex, camming, or simply hanging out in adult chat rooms at all.


Take Your Pleasure Where You Find It – There was a forum post I answered recently some place and this poor bastard was feeling guilty since he was into cam sex and his wife would only give him sex 5-6 times a year. How insane he should feel guilty over that! It’s sad how many are living lives of quiet desperation and guilt over nothing. Everyone has the right to private lives, you do not owe full disclosure to anyone. Enjoy yourself and get your enjoyment where you can. An adult chat room or online fun is nothing to feel guilty about unless it’s making you forgo other routine activities you are a part of.

Cam Sex

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Look At This – Something many look for at an adult chat site is a partner for cam sex, otherwise known as cam to cam, or c2c. Guys are not only very visual by nature, but I am convinced most have an exhibitionist streak by default. I cannot count the number of guys that ask me daily if I would like to watch them perform on cam for me. Many also ask if I’d like to cam with them, as in show myself as I masturbate at the same time. It’s just not for me, so I decline.


Free Cam Sex – I have spoken to a number of guys that have been blackmailed after cam sex shows they gave or that there has been an attempt at blackmail if the guys show their face or if they have their real name on their Yahoo or Skype. I jokingly said they should wear a mask like Zorro to conceal their face, but if you don’t know someone, I’d suggest setting up a Yahoo of Skype account under a dummy name so your actual name isn’t revealed. Most times you don’t need to worry about people doing something crazy, but it only takes one nut to ruin a lot.


Watch Me Masturbate – The excitement of watching another masturbate as you do yourself for some is extremely arousing, close-ups of dripping cocks and pussies and shooting cum for many proves irresistible and they want to watch and be seen. Many guys also enjoy masturbating with other guys and are not always seeking a female to get off with on cam. There is something to be said for variety for sure. If you are comfortable with your body and like to show off, maybe cam sex is just the ticket for you to spice up your masturbation routine.