MissAndrene, as soon as the web host helps us, we will get it resolved. I cannot make them help me faster. We are totally at their mercy. I am not happy about this either. I simply cannot afford a better web host. Their service has just gone down the toilet and they are taking a very long time, up to 10 days +, to reply to tickets. Unless I get a better host, sadly these are the issues I have to deal with. If only 5% of members got premium, I could get a first rate web host. It will be resolved, but I do not know when.
This site operates at a loss, hundreds of dollars a month out of my own pocket, it's a labor of love and altruism, there is no profit. I can't make people see the value of getting premium to make the site better overall, my pockets are only so deep. As much as I appreciate the few premium members we have, it would take 5% of the member base being paid level members to cover all running costs and have first rate hosting and add more features and get non flash chat. As an example, since ones have no clue to the costs of things, I priced out the non flash version of the chat we have, with customizations it would be over $10,000. Ones have no clue the costs of things. I'm not asking for ones to be premium members to line my own pockets, I'm asking for site improvements and running costs. I don't have the budget of Coca Cola Inc. here, I'm a one woman show in a difficult industry trying my best to survive. Please be patient as we do our best to wait for that cursed web host Arvixe to help us.