Forum » General Topics » Farting during sex

December 22, 2017, 11:03 pm


Posts: 2
Farting during sex

Hey there.
Did anyone fart during sex?  Men and Women?  And i mean loud farts that partner heard? And what were the next few moments like?
Ta ta =)

January 4, 2018, 3:12 am


Posts: 2
Re: Farting during sex

My girlfriend once farted just before climax while I was down there. It wasn't something that turned me on but I didn't let it turn me off either. I just got more focused and aggressive on her so she could finish up. I was very much rewarded for my efforts. The body does things. Don't let it ruin the moment. 
December 23, 2017, 11:15 pm
Sensual Sharon


Posts: 269
Re: Farting during sex

LOL, do you think anyone would answer this, especially a woman? I have several callers to my line that have fart fetish, and the calls are absurd and weird. Now those callers WANT it! If you could hear the conversations...Some men want their lovers full of cabbage and beans, eggs and onions before going to bed, lol.

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