Forum » Frequently Asked Questions » Why has my content been edited or removed?

October 8, 2012, 8:15 am

Premium Member

Posts: 97
Why has my content been edited or removed?

Content editing or removal of content is done when you have posted something against the site rules.

*Content edited or removed message (Pictures, profile edits, forum post edits story edits or audio removal), removed by (Staff Members Name)*

A message similar to the above will be posted either on your post or for profiles, at the bottom of your profile. When something has been edited, there will be a double * posted within your content to indicate which parts of your post/profile have been edited.

As an example:

Unedited version

Hello my name is Rob, i love to make new friends and chat about sport.
If you want to chat please add my MSN

Edited version

Hello my name is Rob, i love to make new friends and chat about sport.
If you want to chat please add my MSN **.

*Profile edited for containing content against site rules, removed by Rob_*

For removal of a display picture or album pictures, this message will also be posted at the bottom of your profile to make you aware it has been removed. You may remove this message and site rules link from your profile/post any time you wish but you must NOT add back the removed content, in this case the content against site rules was my email.

If you need more detail on why your content was removed, simply search for the member of staff and send them a message asking for more details.

Repeat offenders will be warned once and then banned if they continue.


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