My Profile

Married Cheating fit rich housewife.

i DO love to rp. I mean i REALLY love Role playing! I come here searching for orgasms both giving and getting. for me the mental picture of the scene is more important than just swearing. i love the idea of the "total orgasm" the mind cumming as hard as the sex glands! i really love being seduced... TO KNOW WHAT I LIKE Read my stories!

ONCE YOU SEDUCE ME Love to be dominated and used! love to be seduced! The best ways are to trick me... dare me... get me drunk ..... I also love sweaty outdoor sex whether in a forest on a beach in a pool or hot tub... and more Challenging me daring me if i am drinking or otherwise inebriated is a great way. Unless you are lazy and go straight to something like " I dare you to blow me" . i hate lazy people and that includes lazy seducers as well....

I love rough sex bondage name calling being seduced either subtly or forcefully (AS STATED BEFORE ONCE SEDUCED!) i am open to ideas so just tell me what you like and we can work from there. if all else fails take a look at the sites below. Try opening with something more than "What are you wearing?" or "Suck me" Just giving orders is a sign that you are a lazy lover and/or no imagination!

I play my own age my own age and cant think like being 18, i am a hot fit 49yo milf so if that is what turns you on i am your slut. You can be whatever age you want to be if that works for you!

my taboos are no pissing shitting fisting incest or involving my family so don't ask about my family members or insult them!NEVER insult my husband! PLEASE remember these!

Don't ask about phone, Skype or cam i have been burned and wont go there. If it is a deal breaker for you then don't even say hi. Also if you do i will ignore you. If you keep asking i will block you!

Also do NOT ask for my yahoo until we have talked a few times. that also includes the worn out "its more reliable" or any rendition of that. NEVER ASK me for skype phone cam kik or any others even if they are not listed here! I don't share my skype or any other form of that. thank you and yes that includes kik or any other form for those who are slow at understanding.

i know i am repeating myself but don't ask about phone, Skype or cam i have been burned and wont go there. If it is a deal breaker for you then don't even say hi. Also if you do i will ignore you. If you keep asking i will block you! sorry for the repeat some people are slow.

It has been pointed out to me that my profile starts hot and turns bitchy... i hate that but that is because there are some people here who simply cant read....

Below are a couple sites that help stimulate me...

I love to be seduced at Costume parties

This is what i want in a rp

LOVE these outfits think of a plausible rp for me to wear them!

The Geek in me (yes there is one) likes these

**Profile edited for content against the rules by Queen of Hearts

Favorite TV Shows

ALL the Housewives! Black Sails Rome Spartacus Big Bang Theory Criminal Minds Sons of Anarchy

CheatingMILF36D's Wall

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December 21, 2015

and I am a VERY good girl

December 21, 2015

an order i like .... as long as WHAT we are doing is a secret

December 21, 2015

hands well used

Porn Producer
September 18, 2015

You are so damn sexy baby.

August 23, 2015

Hey darling~



Last Login: August 23, 2019

Status: I am having a hard time signing on to this site. I keep warnings of malware... hard right now to get on line My MIL (Mother In Law) had heart surgery and I have to take care of her. She has been wonderful to me so please understand. Also read the pa
Joined: April 23, 2014
Age: 59
Sex: Female
Orientation Bi-Sexual
Location: St Charles, Illinois, USA
Interests: Cyber
Looking for: Sex Chat/Cybersex,Friendship,Roleplay