This story was added on December 12, 2015

The storm that carried through Friday and Saturday had all but disappeared by Sunday. It left behind a thick layer of snow and several thousand icicles that threatened to break off and impale someone at any minute but it also reintroduced the sun, bright and warm as ever.

Julie sat up in bed watching t.v, her brother brought up breakfast and had since left her alone to relax for once. It was a well needed break after a long weekend. Her arse still stung a little but at least everything else seemed back to normal.

Finishing her toast and draining a glass of orange juice she continued to flick through channels until there was a knock at the door. Head slumping down to her chest at the unwanted disturbance Julie called out in a sweet voice nonetheless "it's open". A few seconds later James, her brothers best friend walked through the door.

He was wearing shorts and a v neck t shirt along with his typical shy smile. "Hey Julie, you ummm said to knock if I ever wanted to errr you know..." he stammered so much Julie had to take pity on him, finishing the sentence before he had a chance to run "play" she said, her eyes glinting with mischief as she patted the bed space beside her "I remember what I offered". He moved slowly to the bed, sitting gently and staring at the TV.

Knowing she would have to lead the way on this one Julie took him gently by the head and laid him on her chest as she leaned back to watch the box. "I was so mean that day, I teased you so much" James blushed and shook his head "it's all good, most girls won't even flirt with me so having you on my lap was amazing" Julie giggled and stroked his hair while he turned to look into her inviting cleavage, barely concealed in a tiny little tank top.

"Do you want to suck my nipples?" She asked suddenly, catching James so off guard he could barely stammer out a response. His big doe eyes full of disbelief. She looked down at him and bit her lip "please James, it always gets me so wet when a cute guy sucks my nipples" and without another word she brushed the straps of her top down her arms and let gravity do it's work, slowly revealing her ample, perky breasts as the material slid down to the waist. Wide eyed he looked from her to each gorgeous boob before latching on to her left nipple and sucking like a starved infant. Julie giggled with joy at his new found enthusiasm, tossing her head back to enjoy the sensation while moaning encouragement.

Soon enough both nipples were hard as rocks and dripping wet. "Mmmm you've got a good tongue mister, did you like licking me?" His only response was a happy grin. She wanted to turn him on more, make things kinkier "such a bad boy, sucking on the nipples of your best friend's sister" suddenly his smile disappeared and his head dropped. Staring at the sheets without making a sound until slowly, his lips moved "can we not talk about that please"

Julies smile softened as she reached out to stroke his cheek "hey it's ok, he doesn't have to know anything and if he finds out I'll hook him up with one of my slutty friends". He looked up and his sullen look morphed into one of pain "please don't do that!" He begged, taking Julies hand in his own "please". Sitting back a little Julie put aside her libido and stared into James eyes. "Ok what the hell is going on here, most friends want their mates to get laid, especially if their sucking on his sisters tits!" James blushed and she could see pain in his expression "tell me right now or get out" Julie demanded in a calm but serious voice that finally seemed to cut through his defences.

The next thing she knew it all came tumbling out as James's confession poured from his lips "because I love him Ok! I think I always have. And yeah I like girls too but it's so much more with him. I just want a chance to show him what we could have, even if he still only wants girls afterwards" he said it all in what appeared to be just a few seconds and julie found that she was smiling when he was done. "Wow that's amazing" she said, smiling and wiping away a tear that was trailing down his cheek "well if you feel that way you have to go for it"

He looked up in shock "you really think so?" Nodding she replied with a grin "yes sweetie and I'm going to show you how".

"I'll play my brother, you be yourself. Now imagine I'm in bed sucking at video games Ok?" James nodded in silent understanding "Ok so first get him thinking about sex, tell him about some slutty little blonde you fucked recently" at this point she pulled him close and kissed his soft lips nice and slow. "Now you need to tell him how good she was at sucking cock" her hands trailed down James stomach and began to fondle his junk "tell him that she was bi and that she loved fucking boys and girls. Then tell him she called in her flat mate, a cute guy who loves sucking cock" Julie freed his dick and teased the tip with her fingers before jerking slowly "now this is the important part. You need to touch his leg, high up the thigh and hold it for a second. He's going to freeze and wether he admits it or not, he is thinking about his cock in your mouth. So here you have to be quick, before he chickens out you need to get his shorts down and bury his meat in your mouth" and just a second after Julie said the words, she took her own advice. Stuffing her greedy mouth with James rigid manhood and sucking deep.

James shuddered as he gripped the sheets. Julies mouth was like nothing he'd ever experienced. She worked his pole expertly, sucking and slurping, bobbing and gagging. Her eyes locked on his the entire time. Every now and then she would come up for breath, jerking his cock as she did. It was all he could do not to shoot then and there "you better suck my brother good James". That was it, those words sent him over the edge, she didn't even have time to get him back in her mouth before he went off like a fire hose. He sprayed her face with thick, warm sperm and panted with the sudden relief "I'm so sorry, I just. were too good"

Julie smiled inwardly but to James she assumed a colder attitude "you better clean this up now" she demanded, her harsh tone showing she was not to be argued with. However she was shocked when instead of reaching for the tissues on the bed side table James leaned forward and began to lick the spunk from her face instead. He greedily lapped at his own seed until her face was clean. "Good boy" she said with a smile, her feigned icy attitude melted a little despite her efforts "now it's time to see what that tongue can really do".

Within second her underwear went flying across the toom and James was hungrily devouring her tight, smooth pussy. Attentively soothing her lips and teasing her clit before delving deep inside to fuck her with his tongue. The boy was a natural pleaser and she was determined to make the most of it. "Go lower James" he looked up confused "lower?" The boy echoed. "Yes lower! My arse took some punishment recently and your tongue is just what I need to sooth it. To James's credit the boy didn't hesitate for a second once Julie adjusted to present her pink arsehole. He immediately layed the flat of his tongue over the hole before lapping away like an excited puppy. "Julie giggled and squirmed at the unique sensation as she fingered her clit, rubbing in quick little circles until her toes curled and she came hard, stuffing a pillow into her mouth to muffle the sound.

They watched TV for a while after, touching and stroking. "Make him feel good James, I want his first time to be perfect" James nodded solemnly "I will, I promise. If he let's me".

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Story Tags: Blowjob   confessions  


December 26, 2015
That's fantastic! Perhaps we could swap ideas or even collaborate sometime

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