Stories in Masturbation     Submit Story

Posted by: Itsasecret25 on October 20, 2016

I was alone in a hotel, in a tiny town where there was nothing to do. I had been texting a...

Tags: Skype   masturbation  

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Posted by: Almaw on December 1, 2015

There was no stopping her now. What happened at the restaurant was all she could think about,...

Tags: Masturbation  

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Posted by: tarquin67 on September 1, 2015

I was working round the pool when she emerged from her villa and made her way to one of the sun...

Tags: Cheat   Masturbation  

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Posted by: Almaw on May 24, 2015

Her hands began to shake as she gripped the mouse and directed the cursor down the page, a deep...

Tags: Cheating   Masturbation   Shame   Humiliation  

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Posted by: Almaw on March 4, 2015

The cute waiter was not helping Julies situation one bit, every time she looked up he seemed to...

Tags: Frustration   Semi Public  

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Posted by: Almaw on March 4, 2015

The alarm rang out dead on 9am causing Julie to spring from her bed at a speed she'd never have...

Tags: Exploring   Fantasizing  

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Posted by: Almaw on March 3, 2015

The clocked beeped to mark midnight, Julie was still awake in bed and staring at the ceiling...

Tags: Masturbation   Frustration  

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